
my girls.

i MISS you girls! we need to play soooooon {that includes jamie, morgan & tiff, whose legs aren't pictured}. let's have a girls night.

p.s. someone needs to get over tanning... it was march, for pete's sake!


Kim said...

o my gosh I miss you. ya who was that tan??? YOU!!! look how white I am on the far left !! wow..
and im so glad you did the visual DNA. I love it. And all of those are totally you!!

Jared Iverson said...

Senhor Smith! My long-lost chess nemesis. Well done tracking down our blog! I'm glad you found it. And Ariel, sorry to be the first comment under your "my girls" post. :)

Sean, send me your contact info when you have a chance. jiversonbiz@gmail.com

Jamie said...

We should get together for a quick dinner on a week night :) I'm out of town every weekend this month.. Well except 1 so maybe you guys can squeeze me in then..

ariel said...

yeah, i'm busy every weekend this month too. we should maybe plan on something for the fist weekend of august?

Sean said...

Dang Ariel, "Nice Stems!"

Morgan said...

Air I totally have a blog I dont know what I am doing so bear with me till I can make it pretty and t o actually get how to be friends with people! haha anywho yeah happy blogging ;)

Whit,Tiff and B said...

I'm totally in! let me know when is good. I'm down most of the week.

Kathryn said...

Ariel, we've never had rheumatic fever-that is an impressive one. Seriously though-who gets that? Juliann and I have an unspoken competition about our failing bodies. It's kind of fun! :) What's going on with choir? Have you heard anything?