2. i enjoyed great company & a great burger at the birthday bash at the Dobson's.
3. i also found some great pictures of my parents from the 70's :) i'll have to post some of them someday.
4. i had a yummy vanilla ice cream cone.
5. sean got up early to play basketball. he got all ready, got in the car, drove out to redwood, and turned back around. he decided he'd rather cuddle with me than drive in the snow :)
6. i got to wear boots! one good thing about snow {even in march}.
7. i played with monique's cute baby, haven. what a sweetheart!
8. i'm staying up past 9:30... it's a miracle!
9. alicia showed me her engagement pictures and they are adorable. I'm getting really excited for the weddings in may.
10. i finished reading the new issue of the Ensign. it's my new goal to read it {cover to cover} every month! so far so good :)