

*Warning. This post may be sentimental & sappy. If you are easily cheesed out... please avert your eyes and scroll down to the next post :) *

Last night was our final performance with Cameron Rose as our director. He recently received his doctorate in conducting from the University of Utah. He told us on Thursday that he has been offered a position at the University of Texas at Tyler & will be moving in July. I am very excited for him... and very sad for our choir. He has seriously been an amazing director. He is a musical genious and he knows exactly how to get the sound he wants from us. He always makes us sound much better than we actually are :) We have been very lucky to have him, and I wish him the best of luck in Texas.

Our performance last night was very special to me because it was our last. I really was able to relax up there on stage & just enjoy being a part of the group. I have been singing with the choir for 2 years {it has only been organized for 3} and have made some good friends and had SO much fun. Initially we thought the choir would be completely dissolved when Cameron left, but there is a group of members who are trying to keep it together. This has been such a rewarding experience and I hope that we are able to continue singing together... even if we don't have Cameron anymore.

After the concert we paid tribute to Cameron with a song that we had secretly rehearsed {once}. Then we invited our families to join us for a reception for him. We presented him with a huge {and I mean huge... like poster sized} picture of the chorale at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. So he can hang it in his office in Texas and remember us ALWAYS :) I'm not great with goodbyes... so I kinda snuck out without saying anything. And I'm hoping that the choir will stay together, so there were no goodbyes needed.

I'm grateful that mom, dad, heather, annette, lindsay, jesse, {wow... that's my entire immediate family}, sean, paul, lyn & shannon were all able to come! It's always nice to have support out there in the audience. Oh... and THANKS to my mom who read the article in the Deseret News about the Utah Master Chorale 2 summers ago & told me about auditions! What an awesome experience it has been.


Janessa Taylor said...

Ok I'm commenting on everything...during WORK too...I'm not exactly BORED just tired of working, maybe I'll leave. I need to go get grapefruit at COSTCO...I'm starting to feel the morning sickness..ughhh!! I'm sad about choir too, and the fact that I invited a TRILLION people and only like 4 came. Oh well!! Hope we can stay together and get a good director!

Tiffany said...

I have been catching up on your blog- :) First off- Im so jealous you got to see David A!! Second- way to make the headlines in the paper!! you're gorgeous :) Cute picture of your mom. AND I hope you guys get a great choir director!! Maybe you should volunteer ;)?

Kathryn said...

Hi Ariel, its Kathryn from UMC. That was an incredible concert. I've been bawling like a baby ever since because we won't ever do that again! I really enjoyed your post and I thought it was very appropriately sappy and cheesy! By the way, you did so fantastically on your solo that night. It was flawless. I've been trying to think of where I know your husband from and I finally figured it out...I had an English class with him at the Bountiful extension of the U. I think we were even put into a group together for a project. He was very nice! I hope that our choir can stay together. Just like you, I've made some great friends! If you'd like, check out my blog ariottifamily.net!