
the taylors.

Alicia & Jonny's wedding was very fun & very beautiful. They were sealed in the Salt Lake temple at 11:40 and it was really nice to be there with them. It was an awesome sealing. What a perfect couple :) They had their reception in Alicia's parents amazing backyard. It was fun because we have SO many memories of playing in that backyard! It looked gorgeous, and the food was SOOO good. I promise I ate like 5 eclairs. It was a little cloudy, but not too cold. And it didn't start raining until we were waiting for them to come out & make their big goodbye.
After the game, some of us went over to Kess & Ryan's to watch the Jazz game {and what a disappointment}. I loved seeing the newlyweds cute little apartment :) And we had fun even though the Jazz let us down :( It was a super fun day... and I was super exhausted afterward. More pictures here.


Sean said...

How come nothing was posted on how stupid Made of Honor was? What has two thumbs and says Made of Honor sucked....This guy (pointing to myself with my thumbs!)

Mark and Kandice said...

What a pretty reception! They are a very cute couple! I hung out with Jonny in Jr. High and High school he is a fun guy. :)