
useless information tuesday.

yes, i know. it was supposed to be fridays. but i never did it again on a friday {or ever, actually} and i felt like doing it today! so sit back & soak in some knowledge from the encyclopedia of useless information.

The last thing Elvis Presley ate was four scoops of ice cream and six chocolate chip cookies.

Wedding rings are worn on the third finger of the left hand because the Romans believed that a nerve led directly from there to the heart.

According to a survey in 2004, the top ten favorite smells are: 1. bread 2. frying bacon 3. coffee 4. laundry 5. cut grass 6. babies 7. the ocean 8. real christmas trees 9. perfume/cologne 10. fish & chips {what????}.

In Massachusetts, snoring is prohibited, unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.

In the 16th century, Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, decreed that all ladies at court must have 13-inch waists.

On August 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris and was not recovered for 2 years. When it was missing, more people turned up to stare at the empty space than had ever come to see the painting.

It takes about 550 peanuts to make a 12-oz jar of creamy peanut butter.

The inhabitants of the South Pacific island of Mangia had never heard of kissing until the English arrived in the 1700s.


Adrienne said...

that was fun. do more

Coopers said...

i loved the top smells. bread is def #1. i hope the ice-cream and 6 cookies was not the reason he died. it's a good thing that i always make lee stop at 5.

Eliza said...

I love stuff like that. Maybe I should get that book. 13 inches are you kidding me??? and loved the mona lisa one, fascinating.

Chris and Tara said...

13 inches! That is insane!!!