

last night before bed i was reading the poisonwood bible. it's about a white family from georgia whose father, a baptist preacher, takes them on a mission to the congo so he can baptize all of the people {they don't have much success}.

anyway... the chapters i read before nodding off were about a swarm of ants that basically ate the village they lived in. they wake up in the middle of the night, covered in millions of ants. the whole ground is covered and everyone runs for the river to escape. when the ants have moved on and the family returns to their home, the ants have eaten their chickens, leaving nothing but skeletons.

it kind of freaked me out. not the best thing to read about before falling asleep.

well, this morning when i went to the pantry to find my cheerios, guess what i found?

ANTS. and a lot of them.

they were on the 3rd shelf up {which is unreal... how do they do that?}, feasting on a jar of peanut butter that had been left partly unscrewed. i almost had a panic attack. it was so creepy that i had been reading about swarms of ants last night and woke up to a bunch in my pantry! and i don't really know what to do with ants! i took all of the food off of the shelf, brushing ants into the sink as i went, and then killed the rest with lysol.

and now i get to spend my night completely emptying the pantry. i swear we are not piggish people. we don't have open food containers lying around the house or anything. i think a lot of our neighbors have had ant problems too. {hopefully it's not just us!}

bleh. i think i have a new phobia.


ClaysJenna said...

I actually liked The Poisonwood Bible but the ant part did give me the heebie jeebies. And waking up to ants the next morning would have definitely put me over the edge!! Good luck getting rid of them!!

Emily said...

There is nothing I hate more than Ants. Even spiders aren't as bad. Ants can get anywhere and they make me feel like a bad housekeeper. We get them every spring by our kitchen table. I have tried everything, re-chaulking, ant traps, exterminators. They always come back. I cannot say that my floor is always clean, but maybe that's what keeps them on that side of the kitchen and not in my pantry. Like a breadcrumb trail? :)
Sheesh I hate them, and also that book sounds creepy! I'm gonna have to read it.

Caprene said...

spiders - no problem
cockroaches - no problem
ants - I have a MAJOR problem.

So sorry they found their was into your pantry.

Shawnee said...

I'm with you on this one...I hate ants! We've had some trouble with them...mostly if there have been crumbs on our floor. I've had success with ant traps, so you might want to give that a try. I haven't noticed any lately, so I'm hoping the ant traps have helped alleviate the problem.

Amy said...

Ahhh!!!!! (this is me shrieking like a little girl...) So sorry!

I'm convinced that creatures pick on clean people, not dirty ones.

dave + kirst said...

We had a problem with them last year when I thought I threw out some meat but some landed next to our garbage and not inside. The next morning I found tons of ants not just on that food but inside our dog's bowl. It was soooo disturbing. We bought a little ant trap where they get these little things they think are food, take them back to the ant hole and it kills them all - kind of morbid but it worked!

Gina said...

eeewwww. gross. for a minute there i thought you dedicated this post to anthony. :)

Rachel said...

Ants=gross. I had a sugar bowl once that I opened up and found a swarm of ants.
Poisonwood Bible=awesome. I loved that book. I kind of want to read it again, actually. It's been YEARS!