

four years ago today, on an unseasonably warm december day, sean and i were married in the salt lake temple.

four things i loved about 12.22.05:

holding hands with my fiance, waiting to be brought into the sealing room where our family and friends were waiting for us. we sat there holding hands, calming each others nerves {ok mostly him calming my nerves} and making little promises to each other. like "i'll try my best to not be stubborn when we argue" and "i'll love you forever".

my jacket, made by my aunt barbra. with rabbit fur trim and a lovely glittery clasp. i love that jacket. i wish i had an excuse to wear it again.

lunch with my new husband. we decided to forgo the whole luncheon deal, so sean and i drove to the macaroni grill and had lunch. it was kind of hilarious. everyone around us was having a normal day and in our heads we were screaming "we just got married like an hour ago!!!!!!!!!!". it was weird and normal and fun.

the anticipation of things to come. our whole lives and all of eternity ahead of us. hawaii in the near future. a new home. a family someday. what a beautiful and exciting day!

four things i have loved about the four years since:

lots and lots of laughter. sean keeps me laughing all the time.

traveling together. apparently i married into a family that loves to travel! we have had lots of adventures and have so many fun memories. i would say my favorite was hawaii last year. even though i slept half the time {first trimester}, it was so so much fun! and the highlight of the trip was this walk we took early one morning on the beach. it was pretty much the most beautiful place i've ever been.

growing up together. i was just a baby {20} when we got married. and although sean was 25, let's face it, he was a baby too :) we have done lots of maturing as individuals and as a couple, and in my eyes, we finally became adults when:

our beautiful daughter was born. pregnancy is fun and scary and exciting for the first time {i assume it's not quite the same after your first} and it was so fun to experience that with sean. and of course the end product is now the center of our lives and the apple of our eyes. we ♥ her.

happy anniversary, sean!
here's to four more years of fun, and then four more after that, and four more after that, and so on.


Adrienne said...

happy anniversary

Jamie said...

For cute!! I can't believe it's been FOUR years! Congrats you two

dave + kirst said...

happy anniversary guys!!

Heather said...

Oh my goodness! I forgot your anniversary, and Annette and Brad's, too! I'll be better next year. I liked your post, Ariel....very sweet :)

Kess said...

Congrats you two ! Happy Anniversary !

Whit,Tiff and B said...

Happy anniversary! I adore all your wedding pictures:)

Morgan said...

congrats little love birds ;) I can't believe you were 20 when you got married!! that seems like a little baby!

T-rent said...

haha! I love that you 2 went to a totally normal lunch on your wedding day! I wish I could've been there or even known you then. You 2 are amazing and I'm so happy to know you now. Happy Anniversary!

Juliann said...

Happy anniversary!! Totally love this post, by the way. My 11 year anniversary is next week!! Can't believe it.