
dietary restrictions.

Today I thought I would give you a glimpse into the kitchen of Sean and Ariel. First of all, let me say that I love trying new foods. I love Mexican, American, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Greek, Japanese and on and on. I'm not a great cook, but I like to try new recipes. Now. Sean. Sometimes cooking for the two of us gets a little tricky. Here are some of Sean's self proclaimed dietary restrictions:

- no visible onions, peppers, tomatoes {ironically, he will eat taco soup... so long as all ingredients are chopped so finely that you can't see them}.
- no spaghetti sauce, spinach, lemon, lime, seafood, cucumbers, cilantro, asparagus, oranges, sausage, squash, avacados.
- no leftovers.
- no fruit in dinner-foods {pizza, salads, etc.}.
- no "healthy stuff" {low fat sour cream, light hot dogs, wheat bread/pasta/tortillas, non-sugar cereals}.
- nothing too spicy.
- no green/lima/kidney/garbonzo/black beans {pinto only}.
- no fruity desserts {chocolate only}.
- no salad dressing other than ranch.
- no rice as a side {unless it's from a restaurant}.

As you can see, this slightly hinders my ability to try out new, exciting recipes {unless I want to eat it all by myself and then regret the whole thing}! Usually when I decide to make something new, I can just assume that Sean will be making grilled cheese for himself. Anyway... I still love him {of course!!}. Even if he is set in his bland food ways :) And there is some good news. He does like SOME foods {pizza. hamburgers. meat & potatoes. grilled cheese. watermelon. turkey sandwiches. broccoli. vanilla pudding. alfredo. steak. corn. lasagne.}.


Shawnee said...

That's hilarious. I thought I was a picky eater! BTW, love the new blog banner.

Stephenson and Katie said...

K me and sean have the EXACT same tastet in food! Maybe I should start taking what I cook over to sean, and you can bring stephenson what you cook :) I can't stand even cooking with onion or tomatoes and it drives stephenson NUTS! (But I will eat taco soup too ;))

Chris and Tara said...

That's too funny. Usually it's the girl who is picky while the boy will eat anything you put in front of him. Ü

Janessa Taylor said...

LOL very funny. My husband is pickier than I am, but hey not THAT bad :) I'll have to post something about him!