

my mom and i went to the deer valley music festival to see frederica von stade with the utah symphony on friday night. the music was lovely. the atmosphere was fun. the sky was beautiful. the people were.... interesting. apparently we didn't get the memo that "bring a picnic" means bring plenty of wine and cheese. we brought subway sandwiches and diet coke. this is what else we encountered:

lots of ladies in their 60s wearing extremely unflattering halter tops... and trying to walk around on grass in heels.

a few men in their 60s who yelled inappropriate remarks at frederica. i think they had a few too many glasses of wine.

who knew such a thing as THIS existed??? i love the description: "Nothing ruins a picnic faster than to watch your glass of 1994 Merlot tip over and spill into the grass." oh he's right isn't he, friends??

some guy next to us reading a text book for entertainment.

a bunch of snooty weirdos. i felt very out of place... which is weird because it was outdoors on a grassy hill, not at some fancy theatre. good thing the music was lovely. and good thing it got cold when the sun went down so all of those gross halter tops were covered up with shawls.

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