
depressing blog statistics.

my blog posts have been few in numbers lately. take a look at this year's numbers and you'll see what i mean:

January- 20 posts
February- 40 posts
March- 39 posts
April- 36 posts
May- 33 posts
June- 29 posts
July- 29 posts
August- 19 posts
September- 15 posts
October- 8 posts {so far}

there has been a steady decline since February. what has become of me? i used to blog like twice a day! i'm losing creativity or something. i'm in a serious slump and i can't get out!


Stephenson and Katie said...

I have SO missed your blogs... let's get those stats back up!

Ann said...

You can do it. You can do it.

Gina said...

It's the economy. Dang Bush Administration!