
just out.

i never posted these pictures and i found them this morning. i feel kinda bad but i laughed so hard!!!! look at that mad face! and the double chins! it looks like i was carrying a full-on bald old man for 9 months!

oh wait it was a sweet little girl after all :)


T-rent said...

I love it! She's such a little lady...she's even covering up the part noone should see...it's like she knew you would show the whole world ;)

Jamie said...

That is mean to post :) But it's funny. She didn't like being naked, cold, and not in your U anymore

Alicia said...

Was it traumatic for Sean when you had Serena? Yesterday Jonny went with me to the ear/nose/throat dr. because it always feels like food is caught in my throat and it's a big reason why I throw up. So to my despair he had to do a scope through my nose and down my throat which was very uncomfortable and made me gag a lot. Jonny said it made him so sad just to see that, that he is kinda worried about watching me go through labor.

Alicia said...

What's a U Jamie;)?

ariel said...

well it depends on how you do labor, alicia! i had an epidural so it wasn't like i was in any pain. and as for deliver, it's such an adrenaline rush that i think he wasn't really worried... he was just amazed that he was about to meet his daughter. but he did have a very hard time during the recovery!!!!! serena was jaundiced and didn't like sleeping in that dumb bili-bed and i was completely miserable and my hormones were raging out of control. so i was crying all day and sean felt really bad that i was so miserable and he couldn't do anything to help either of us! does that answer your question?

Alicia said...

yes it does. but i figured you were in some amount of pain before you got the epidural? I guess you were started? I still thought you had to get to a certain point before they gave you the epidural. I am all about the shot, I have suffered enough in this pregnancy I shouldn't have to go through any additional unnecessary pain dangit! But I will be saving the placenta and planting a tree with it:) Nasty!

ariel said...

i guess it was pretty painful for a while. they wait until you're to a 3 before they'll give you the epidural. i waited as long as i could. but it wasn't like i was screaming in pain or anything. it was like having the worst cramps of my life :)

Alicia said...

I think I can handle bad cramps for a while....as long as it's not too long