
the robed hormone aka ariel.

My mom and I went baby shopping the other day and we started talking about the baby and the pregnancy. She asked me if Ariel has become emotional during pregnancy. I said probably just the normal stuff that girls go through. I then remembered a story and shared this with my mom. All I can say is that pregnancy is a fun adventure.

I have a hard time sleeping at night because my mind is always thinking. I have some of my best ideas in my bed. Sometimes I think so much that I stay wide awake until 3am or so in the morning. I found that by watching TV my mind will shut off and I can fall asleep. (Disney movies work the best!) Anyway, the other the night I started to fall asleep so I turned the TV off. Now, I know once the TV is off I can't turn it back on because it will wake Ariel up. So I have to be sure that I'm close to sleep. Of course 45 minutes go by and I realized that I was not close to falling asleep. I knew I would have to go downstairs and make myself comfortable on the couch. So I grabbed a blanket and pillow and proceeded downstairs for the night. I made my bed and went to use the restroom. As I came out of the restroom my eyes were trying to adjust the the darkness of our living room. It was black. All of a sudden I heard this whisper which I can only describe as the voice from Harry Potter when he talks like a snake but it was my name "Ssssseeeeeaaaannnnssssss" I looked up and saw a big bulky shadow of something. I yelled and fell backwards. It took me a little while to realize that it was Ariel wearing her huge red bathrobe. My heart was now racing and I yelled "Ariel, why would you do that?!" Now for those of you that have had a pregnant wife, you learn that raising your voice in any manner (or now thinking about it, doing anything) will give her reason to cry. She ran upstairs in tears. So as my emotions went from scared outside my mind to what in the world just happened, I realized that again I had to apologize even though I was the one laying on the floor. So for all those that are wondering I did not get a good night's sleep. Ariel forgave me. And I now know what I would do if an intruder were to enter our house and say my name like a snake.


Blake said...

It's been a long time since I laughed so hard that I cried, but I just read your post and I couldn't help myself. I laugh, not because you yelled at your wife (seriously, never a good idea) when she scared you or because of her reaction when you yelled at her, but because I know exactly what you're talking about and can sympathize with the situation. That, and the fact that she'll probably read your post (if she hasn't already) and see that you referred to her as "big" and "bulky" and then become upset at you again! I love being a husband (and I mean that). Enjoy this time in your life because there's nothing like it.

ariel said...

you love to exaggerate. i didn't say your name creepy like that. i just whispered "sean"! thanks for putting up with my random crying though :)

Janessa Taylor said...

Ha ha! I have a big purple bathrobe I started wearing all the time when pregnant... ya know...when stuff doesn't fit!

C+R said...

That was pretty funny, thanks for a good laugh. Sadly it's so true.

Kim said...

I love this! ! I admit I laughed out loud.. hormones do crazy things to you! you are a great husband!

Gina said...

i love it.