
little zoo.


how cute are these little animals? 49 cents each at ikea. just the right size for serena to grab and suck on {though she mostly just finds the tags on all of her toys and sucks on them...}. i also bought this, this, and this little play book that i am in love with. i ♥ ikea.


Jamie said...

We bought that blue elephant for Mavi :) It's also just the right size for him and we kept the HUGE tags on cause he loves them more then the toy. In your defense though, it's in the children section not dog section

Gretchen said...

So cute! and NOT POLYESTER im assuming! :) I <3 Ikea.

Kess said...

the frog and mouse are adorable !

Steph said...

I must be channeling you. I am craving IKEA this week- we love the little puppets at our house too!!