


one nap a day. {long nap + later mornings. hooray!}
madame alexander happy meal toys.
this story. i cried when i watched it on the news. soooo awesome.
showing our house twice this week.
fresh peaches.
peach pie.
veggies from mom's garden.
state fair. {serena loved the baby goats. i loved the funnel cakes.}
new fall clothes for serena.
hand-me-downs from her cousins.
biaggi's shrimp & crab cannelloni. so so so so so good.
dry, dry utah air. {i just about died on our trip.}
vacuum lines in the carpet.
cooler temps. {except for this week...}
pizza & movie rental on a friday night.



Meghann said...

Glad to read I'm not the only person in love with vacuum lines!

Rachelle said...

i love vacuum lines too...haha! love your list! :)

Kim said...

i love vacuum lines. :) ... and i LOVE that story ...