
nectarines & naps.

two of my favorite things lately.

lately all i want to do is eat and sleep. the beached whale stage of pregnancy has now commenced. if i am down on the couch, i am DOWN on the couch, and don't even ask me to get up for at least 30 minutes. {tell that to a 16 month old who is all over the place all the time...} the beached whale phase also makes turning over in bed at night a joy. i have to use full body strength to make the switch :) coinciding with the beached whale phase is the elevator phase. stairs? no thanks. i go out of my way to avoid them.

in other news:

serena's kitties crossed paths {the original and the backup} and that was a whole lot of confusion! she was holding one when she found the other and started saying "meow? meow?" and then of course she couldn't nap without BOTH kitties. i think she has finally forgotten about the 2nd kitty. we're crossing our fingers.

i finally finished a blanket for baby harper {99% sure it will be harper}. one of 2 new things she will have to her name! and speaking of harper, i'm terrified she's going to be as big or bigger than her sister was at birth. my doctor said to me jokingly at my last appointment, "well, you think this is going to be another 9 pounder?" and i wanted to cry. i'm hoping for a short labor & delivery and a fast, easy recovery this time around. i would like to not carry around the inflatable donut for a month afterward. again, crossing our fingers.


life is good. busy. tiresome. but good. and i couldn't be happier that fall has arrived. hooray for cooler weather!



dave + kirst said...

LOVE nectarines. And you're not talking about real kitties are you? Because I'd be super proud of Sean if they were ;)

ariel said...

not real kitties. stuffed animal kitties. i'm pretty sure that sean will never allow a real kitty, unfortunately :(

Adrienne said...

i'm really feeling the beach whale stage myself. glad your weather is at least cooling off. second pregnancy was actually a much easier recovery. hope goes the same for you. good luck you're getting closer

Jamie said...

Oh, my! She's coming so soon! Can we PLEASE (begging) play before she does!

Juliann said...

All I want to do is eat and sleep...but I don't have the excuse of being pregnant. :( I was seriously just wondering today, "I wonder if Ariel has decided on a name yet?" LOVE the name Harper. Love it.

Kristy and Dave said...

I love the name Harper - in fact, it's the one girl name I've had my heart set on since ninth grade! Good choice!