
ten honest things.


01. i kind of have a shopping problem. i've had to be a lot {A LOT} better now that i have a child and i work a fraction of the hours i used to. but seriously i looooove to shop. sometimes i see something and convince myself that i absolutely need it. and if i have the will power to not buy it on the spot, i'll wonder what the heck i was thinking when i get home. sean loves this about me :)

02. i really really hate pecans. pecan pie is the most disgusting food ever created. and it looks just as disgusting as it tastes. and while i'm at it: german chocolate cake. looks like barf. sooooo gross. there are very few foods that i don't like and these two go at the top of the list.

03. i am not a very organized person. we have a junk drawer. everyone has one, right? we also have a junk cupboard. and a junk room upstairs. and my room tends to be a pile of junk 5 days of the week. i do keep my house tidy most of the time, but the junk is hidden :)

04. serena and i like to watch concerts on kbyu in the morning. yesterday was some tchaikovsky and rachmaninoff. it was lovely.

05. i like to eat candy before bed.

06. i have really bad teeth {i wonder why???}. i went to the dentist yesterday and it was not pretty. they scheduled me back for a two hour appointment to fix things up.

07. i get teary-eyed a lot. does that ever change after you've had a baby? because i don't remember being this way before serena came along. i almost cried yesterday walking through costco because they had all of the christmas trees set up.

08. i am afraid of getting a massage. lack of clothing + stranger touching me = yikes, no thanks.

09. i have really enjoyed tasting all of serena's baby food. the banana strawberry apple medley is particularly delicious. the garden veggies one is not so good.

10. i kind of like and can't stand this blog at the same time. i think it all began when alicia started reading it and would text me randomly about weird things she says. and i would agree. love her sister's blog, though. {even if she kept her placentas, alicia.}


Adrienne said...

agree that pecan pie is disgusting and the whole massage thing.

Heidi said...

And here I thought I was the only one that thought it was weird to plant a tree in your placenta. I had thought Nie was so normal until that point. :0)

Morgan said...

i totally feel ya on the shopping thing we should totally go shopping sometime ;)

Kess said...

Thanks for the honesty for a change ..... jk ;) I've got junk everywhere too, I am literally out of places to put it all.

Alicia said...

I like this blog, it made me laugh! thanks for the thing about what's her faces blog, if I had my own blog people would be commenting on it saying I was a jerk...but they would say that regardless. If you have bad teeth you hide it well because they are beautiful.

Alicia said...

and thank you heidi...you can have a decent amount of respect for someone until you find out they keep slimy things that slither out of their body, I mean come on! At least her husband doesn't eat it I guess.

Jamie said...

Dear Ariel,
Can you tell me what girl is Nie in that placenta pic :)

Also, is Alicia THE Alicia I know and love :)

Also, you're like Monica and her cluttery closet!

ariel said...

jamie, top right.

ariel said...

oh and yes. it is our dear pregnant alicia.

Rachel said...

I hear ya on C Jane. I liked her for a while but then ir felt like she was more into herslef than anything. I still read Nie Nie, though.