
it's one of those weeks.

you know,

the kind that make you want to pull your hair out?

i feel like i have been working non-stop {dang you heather! you're never allowed a vacation ever again! i sure hope you're enjoying yourself!}

i feel like i have hardly seen my serena & sean.

i feel like my inbox will NEVER be cleared out.

i feel like we have totally maxed out our babysitters... and we will need one tonight and tomorrow.

i feel like i haven't relaxed in ages and my shoulders need a deep massage.

i feel like i'm really excited for our dress rehearsal tonight and concert tomorrow, but i kind of can't wait for saturday when it's all over with.

sorry. had to vent.

in other news, we went to another ob appointment yesterday and though it is super early to be calling it, doc thinks it looks like a girl! {let's hope it is now that we've told everyone... or our poor boy will be completely offended and embarrassed.} i'm not putting too much stock in it {sean is}. we'll find out for sure next time.

{sorry i just blogged at work, stephanie. i needed a 5 minute break after i sent those dang handbooks off to be printed.}


Unknown said...

I hate feeling like you have maxed out your babysitters! I always felt like that when we lived in UT. You are never really sure if they really are maxed out, or if you are just feeling guilty. That would be exciting to have another girl! Hope your week gets better.

Caprene said...

I can watch Serena Friday night if you still need someone.

ariel said...

caprene, you are so very kind! we did find a sitter for tonight. grandma is coming over. thank you, though!

Jamie said...

NO WAY ANOTHER GIRL!! I will wait for the definite before I get all excited :) But this is huge news ;)

Juliann said...

I hear ya, sista!!