why can't chinese food and fun size snickers bars be good for you? they totally ruined my diet yesterday. {yeah, i'm not going to take any responsibility for that. all blame goes to the food.}
why is it so hard to walk 20 feet to the gym and exercise?
why are babies so happy and smiley at 5 a.m. when you just want to be sleeping, but you don't want to miss their smiles?
how do all kids know how to throw a tantrum? inconsolable crying. kicking legs. hitting things. they all do it. {right?}
why does my voice sound so different in my head than it does on a recording? bleh. nasaly.
why is everyone so anxious for spring? i love winter. especially when there is snow on the ground.
are scrunchies really coming back? cause i'm going to boycott that.
is there a way to actually win tic-tac-toe?
so funny. :) I also hate my voice on recordings and yes all kids throw tantrums....even five year olds {booh}
You're NOT nasaly. You are however hilarous and I totally agree on all of them. :)
Um, I may still have my stash if you decide to unboycott..
P.S. remember girlcott's
jamie, do you REALLY still have them!? those will be vintage awesomeness if they really are making a comeback. but i would still boy{girl}cott them.
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