Well I haven't posted in a while. Last week I went to Arlington, Texas with my mom for a seminar. It went really well & it was fun to spend some time with my mom. We didn't really get to do much besides sit in the seminar from 9am-5pm, but it was fun! At least I can say I've been to Texas! AND I ATE FRIED ALLIGATOR! No joke... they serve it at this cajun seafoood restaraunt we went to. It was pretty good, actually. Anyone going to the Arlington area should try Pappadeaux. They also have a wicked good greek salad.
Yesterday we had our first choir concert of the season at the Kaysville Tabernacle. I thought it went really well. We were told halfway through by a 2nd soprano that the 1st sopranos & altos were flat.... hmmmm sounds fishy..... maybe it was the 2nds that were flat..... but I thought it sounded great. And it was FUN! I think Cameron (the director) was really proud of us.
For anyone interested, our next concert is this sunday at the University of Utah School of Music. You can get details at the website:
Oh and a fun fact: There was a lady on our flight that was wearing a tailored pantsuit made of gold plastic. Looked uncomfortable. And I can only imagine how sweaty you would get wearing a plastic suit.... yuck.