

today i got some very very bad news.

remember when my computer was sick?

well, since then i have been using a different computer. the sick computer, which had all of my pictures on it, was waiting to be fixed. we're talking 6 years of digital photos. and every single photo i've taken since serena's birth. sean and his dad got around to working on the old computer today.

it is wiped clean.

everything is gone.

luckily, i used to upload all of my photos to my old work computer, and they are still there. but all of these are before serena was born. luckily i posted a lot of pictures on this blog which i can save.

unfortunately, in june-ish of 2009, i started uploading all of my photos to photobucket before posting them on the blog. partly so i could have them the size i wanted, and partly so weirdos couldn't click into them and have the whole giant image. and now i can't click into them. i can only have the crappy, small, poor quality images from photobucket. and i've been doing that for most of serena's life.

i don't have the full size image of sean, myself & serena on her blessing day. and i really only have maybe 6 from that day, all of which i put text over for the blog.

i have only a precious few pictures {posted on the blog} of serena's birth and our time in the hospital. i'll never have the cute pictures that sean took of her first bath at the hospital because i didn't post them on the blog.

i lost all but a few pictures of our trip to hawaii.

and so so SO so many more memories wiped out just like that.

i bawled my face off. and now i'll be searching every disc, flash drive, and memory card in my house to see if there might be a photo on it. hopefully you learn from my mistake and back up your photos. i'm so sick about it.

so, friends & family, if you have any pictures from the last year or so that include our little family, please email or burn to a disc. it would be much appreciated.


Rachelle said...

oh im so sad for you! i will take a lesson and store my pics somewhere else. i would be in the same predicament if that happened to me. so sorry to hear about all the pics. :( GOOD NEWS is that you blogged so have something.

ClaysJenna said...

Oh, Ariel!! I'm so sorry!! I actually do back up all my photos onto an external hard drive but I know a lot of people people personally that this has happened to. I really am so sorry for you. I hate photobucket but have you tried to change the size of the photo in photobucket to see if you can enlarge it there? I don't know if that works but it might?? I'm sorry!!

Kristy and Dave said...

That is the saddest thing I've ever heard! I'm so sorry that had to happen. And I'm guilty of having all our pictures on one computer too - so I'll definitely be making back up copies asap after hearing your awful story.

Kristi said...

how devastating. i am so sorry. so very sorry.

Gretchen said...

this is the most terrible thing. I cant even imagine this, it is one of my WORST fears. I hope you can gather some from friends/family and I will definitely back up my pictures now. feel better. im sorry.

Jamie said...

Oh, Ariel :( I'm sorry. I think Ty uses mozy.com as well. It's like $5 a month and you can back up all your stuff online. I hope you still have stuff on your memory cards! That's where all my pics from the last 2 years are. And I STILL can't find my wedding discs. I haven't given up yet though

Amy said...

ughhh...my heart hurts for you. That's horrible HORRIBLE!

We use mozy too - it's only $5 a month and TOTALLY worth it. I'm so so so SO sorry!

Heidi said...

Don't know if this helps or not... but I bought a card recovery program when this happened to my laptop (I lost all pictures from before Kaden was born till he was 4 months old). It can recover almost all of your pictures ever taken with your memory card from your camera (even after it has been formated and erased). It cost money to get... but it's so worth getting pictures back. If you want to use mine you wouldn't have to buy one, just let me know :)

dave + kirst said...

my dear i'm sooooo sorry for you! i've totally been there and i know how devastating it is. i'll look through our pictures and give you the ones with you on them.

Kess said...

Ariel !! That is so terrible !!! I am so so sorry !

Gina said...

what can i say that hasn't already been said... i can't even imagine this happening to me. ugh! this is the pits. so sorry. but, yes, at least you have your blog pics. but still... oh how awlful. :(

Gina said...

one more thing: i recommend buying an external hard drive. we have one, and every few months or so i backup my pictures and music. well worth the money.

DecoMOD Studio said...

did you know that you can take your computer to Utah Disaster Kleen Up? I though they came to clean your house after a fire (which they do), but Aaron's crashed a few years ago and they were able to save a ton of files from a computer that he thought (Aaron is really good at computers) was totally wiped clean.

Dagley Family said...


I have hospital pictures of Serena on my computer. When my screen scrolls through pics I have seen them. I think when Sean was loading some pictures off of my computer he must have saved some on my computer. I have no idea why I have them but they are of you before in the labor room and Serena's first bath at the hospital. I only have a few shots from the blessing with my girls and my mom holding Serena.