
indoor day.

serena's favorite, and one of two things she would eat today {the other was mac n cheese}.
toys. and laying on mama's belly.
my crochet hook came out of retirement {making a blanket for girly #2}. and a belly shot. which upon inspection doesn't really show off how big my belly really is. oh well.

today we have spent the entire day inside. serena has been sick with something {that the dr couldn't identify} and has been a huge grump. one moment i'll think she's for sure getting better, the next she will completely flip out/scream at the top of her lungs. maybe that's an improvement from yesterday, actually. yesterday she refused to eat or nap, and laid on me for most of the day, watching shows and acting very sad and pathetic. anywho... she's having plenty of ibuprofen and we'll pray that her fever comes down and she gets back to her spunky self soon.
{and that our backyard campout doesn't get rained out tomorrow!}


Rachelle said...

you are seriously the cutest mom...EVER! and the cutest photographer, decorator, cook ... at least my fave! i think you are just darling! love the pic with the blanket and your toes...too cute! ame'lia is doing the same thing right now...sluggish, feverish, laughs and then screams. i think it's her teeth again. hope serena feels better soon!

ariel said...

haha! gee thanks, rachelle! i felt like a big blob yesterday. i feel better now :)

i've wondered if it's her teeth. or if she is just turned into a tantrum-throwing toddler overnight?