
some things i would like to do this year.

sew something.
read the entire book of mormon at least once {including 2 nephi}.
read all {or most} of the ensign each month.
cut back on tv.
take a road trip.
attempt to be more frugle.
finish reading daniel deronda.
make my bed more often.
get an external hard drive to back up all of my photos.
read to serena more often.
see some fireworks {my july 4th was incomplete in 2009!}.
drink more water.
go to bear lake.
be less quick to judge.
be more kind.
sincerely express love and appreciation more often.

not the most ambitious of goals, but i don't like to set myself up for disappointment! good luck with your resolutions!


dave + kirst said...

i like your goals. i tend to do some that are too lofty and then don't complete any and then feel bad about it later... i've yet to write mine but i think i'll follow your lead.

Kristy and Dave said...

Totally hear you on the 2nd Nephi comment. Quoting Isaiah...puts me to sleep everytime.